News / Faun 5 DJ Hiring Applications
Faun 5 DJ Hiring Applications
Greetings, adventurer friends
Life in a dungeon means adventure, but also rest at the tavern and enjoy its drinks… And its dancing!
Today, the Fauntastic guild needs the ministrel within you ! If you are interested, please check out the following quest :
📜 Quest : Faun 5 DJ Hiring Applications 📜
🔎 How :
Via this form:
🗓 When :
Starting now, until March 3rd
⚠️ This year, the chill bar mix is back ! A solid opportunity to start off with less pressure, or to try your hand at DJing even if you haven’t been picked for the Dance! Do feel free to check the appropriate box.
See you soon in the Mewstery Dungeon