
Informations & News

Mario Kart Tournament Recruitment

6 March 2025|

Hello adventurers, Want to relax after exploring the Mewstery Dungeon? The Arcade Lounge is here for that! To mark the occasion, a Mario Kart tournament is being organized. Will you be the fastest racer in [...]

Rules regarding the equipments

26 February 2025|

Hello adventurers,   The gates of Mewstery Dungeon will soon open. To prepare the brave souls venturing into its depths, the Fauntastic Guild Masters have gathered to establish the rules regarding the equipment allowed inside [...]

Deadline room group system

25 February 2025|

Hello adventurer friends,   For participants with a residential pass (including hotel nights), please read this message carefully.   The room group system closes on March 11, in two weeks!   ⚠️ Transfers, resales, and [...]

Dance contest “Under the spotlight” sign up

17 February 2025|

Hello adventurers,   Once again this year, the Fauntastic Guild is organizing a big dance competition open to everyone!   If you want to take part and dance under the torchlight, read the following quest: [...]

Deadline profil name and picture

16 February 2025|

Hello fellow adventurers,   You have until March 1st to upload or modify your profile picture (and fursuit photo) as well as your username (and fursuit name) on your Fauntastic account. Log in at [...]

Advertisements for the conbook

29 January 2025|

Hello adventurer friends, A conbook is also a way to provide some exposure to events, organizations and other fandom-related things. So if you want to show up in this year's conbook, you can send us [...]

Looking for artists to illustrate the conbook

28 January 2025|

Hello artist friends A convention conbook is a bit like the exploration guide of any self-respecting adventurer. It contains essential information but also a part of the spirit of the year's edition through the illustrations [...]

Faun 5 DJ Hiring Applications

22 January 2025|

Greetings, adventurer friends Life in a dungeon means adventure, but also rest at the tavern and enjoy its drinks... And its dancing! Today, the Fauntastic guild needs the ministrel within you ! If you are [...]

Fauntastic leaves X

21 January 2025|

[Important : Fauntastic leaves X] Greetings, adventurer friends Platform X's evolution and its owner's projects no longer align with the values of inclusivity and tolerance fostered by Fauntastic. As a result, we made the choice [...]

Faun5 Arcade Room

7 January 2025|

Greetings, adventurer friends This year, the Fauntastic guild will set up a major arcade room for adventurers wishing take a break from dungeon exploring. If you want to contribute, please check out the following quest [...]

Propose a Faun5 Panel

23 December 2024|

Greetings, adventurer friends The Fauntastic guild requires your help to bring the Mewstery Dungeon into being ! If you wish to take part in the convention by animating a panel or an activity centered on [...]

Beware of scams!

8 December 2024|

Hello adventurous friends, ⚠️ Today, the Fauntastic guild wants to issue a warning. Scams, resale above the original price, hacking attempts, and other dishonest behaviors. Some people will stop at nothing to take advantage of [...]

Pass assignment and grouping roommates reminder

4 December 2024|

ℹ️ Pass assignment reminder ℹ️ The “Pass assignment” function allows you to designate the person who will use the Pass to take part at Fauntastic 5. - If you are in possession of a single [...]

I didn’t get a place, what options are available to me?

30 November 2024|

This year there is no waiting list, which means that as soon as a place becomes available it will be immediately available for purchase on This means that from now on it is possible [...]

How to register and buy a residential pass

29 November 2024|

Create a account If you don’t have one already create a account at - Accounts are not rolled over; you need a new account even if you came to Fauntastic before  - We recommend [...]

Create your Fauntastic account in advance

27 November 2024|

Greetings, adventurer friends, It's almost time to buy your pass to explore "Lati's Mewstery Dungeon"! As a reminder, this saturday november 30th, 8 PM (20:00, french hour) you'll be able to buy the residential passes [...]